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By Friday, November 22, 2013 , , ,

hello all..!! long time no see 
 My school activities was  kill me -_- haha no.. I'm just kidding, I just  busy with a lot of homework  from school hahaha..

like my promise a view days ago.. I will post about Retromantic 4 Album..!!

 I have a lot of picture that will posted in here
Let's check..!!

Welcome to RETROMANTIC 4 ,  a lot of cool retro car in here baby..!!

Oh my god!! look, many car in here, and they all are so cool, Proud of it..!!
I really love it,

most of these cars from different groups to each other, but they all are friends..:D share some tips, story, and many more

here some Comunity who joins in this event:

That is "Bandung Corolla Classic"
that is community of Corolla Retro fans in  Bandung City (west java)
 That is "Civic Old Skool"
that is community of Civic  Retro Fans  "I think I like it..:D"

 That is "Datsun bandung *Bengkung ngariung Bongkok ngaronyok*"
that is Datsun Community in Bandung City (west Java)

That is Datsun 510
modified by the owner of this car , he  make his car look like rally style car

 that is   stand of   spare part  former  original retro car
owner of that stand is my family :)

that is original car (Corolla KE-20 wagon and Datsun 510 wagon)
Corolla wagon is the winner of the contest,

maybe that's enough for now, because in my country that is Night (11:12 PM)
have to sleep.. because tomorrow is Siences (Biology) lesson,Scout,and my favorite lesson "Angklung ♥ "
I really have Amazing experience in there.

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